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Design-build firm leads by example by bringing sustainability to its office
By: Kelsey Higginbotham

Since 1988, Creative Design Construction & Remodeling has been providing customers with quality craftsmanship and unique, comprehensive designs. Recently, the company has been taking a greener look at what it does and how it does it. Inspired by governmental incentives, Creative Design is looking to open a green division. “Our company has really opened its eyes, becoming very conscience that green will be the way of the future- Creative Design future,” Glen Lumia, president of the company.

Creative Design bases itself off its clear-cut business values: treat all individuals with respect and dignity, and have the confidence in the company; enjoy what it does and do what it enjoys; accept accountability, demonstrates leadership, and display integrity; and maintain the belief in excellence. And these values are strengthened by the company’s ever-growing focus on sustainability. “Within the company, we are implementing many ideas for going in a green direction,” say Tracy Gavin, remodeling consultant for Creative Design. “We are all really working to be aware of unnecessary electric usage, so we can eliminate it. That’s just the beginning.”

According to Lumia, Gavin is the green czar in the company. By focusing on green while in the office, not just when it comes to clients, Creative Design is becoming a true green leader in the industry. “The practices we have adopted around the office aren’t about saving money-they are to feel good about doing something for the environment,” Lumia says. “We can’t be hypocrites; we need to be role models.” Green practices within the Creative Design’s office include:

  • Recycling cans and plastic bottles;
  • Shredding and recycling paper, and purchasing recycled or compostable materials;
  • Not printing e-mails;
  • Working towards being a paperless company;
  • Recycling printer cartridges;
  • Utilizing the most energy-efficient lightbulbs and programmable thermostats;
  • Switching from plastic to washable utensils.

Creative Design uses its own Design-Build 3-Step Process, and it will continue to follow this course-with a green twist to it. The first step involves conceptual and budget feasibility, and detailed design development. According to Lumia, this step is where the company determines who is truly serious about focusing on green practices and sustainability. Step two is preconstruction, which allows clients to finalize all selections and preorder materials, obtain building permits, meet the company’s build team, and review the project the project schedule. Some of the materials Creative Design orders will help it in its quest to be green. Step three is the build- where it all comes together. Clients are able to enjoy their new space with a five-year warranty.

Some of the materials Creative Design uses for sustainability include: spray-foam insulation, LED lighting, high-efficiency heating and cooling systems and windows, Energy Star appliances, and re-circulating pumps to control hot water. Energy-efficient windows play a key role in proper insulation. Creative Design is aware of how important insulation is- pipes, electric outlets, windows, doors- and everything gets the attentions it deserves for each project to be successful.

Creative Design Construction & Remodeling is in its second year of membership with the USGBC. According to Lumia, the USCBC is a great way to educate the company on the ways of going green. “We are trying to be more involved because we haven’t had the opportunity to take full advantage of what the USGBC can do for us,” Lumia says. The company is looking forward toward the future, and it hopes that it will include involvement with LEED accreditations.

“Within the company, we are implementing many ideas for going in a green direction. We are really working to be aware of unnecessary electric usage, so we can eliminate it.” Tracy Gavin, Remodeling Consultant.

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